Our Services

We enhance leadership skills anytime anywhere



  • Advocate for the understanding of the value of higher education and the diverse composition of the Latino/Hispanic community, identifying effective approaches, promoting innovation, and fostering a culture of inclusiveness.
  • Promote a culture of universal access, education affordability, college quality, and student success


  • Develop an educated and productive trustee citizenry and contribute to the quality of life for all the communities of interest we serve.
  • Provide high-quality educational forums that respond to the changing needs of the global marketplace and to the expectations for higher education.


  • Empower, develop, and retain higher education leaders to serve on boards and leadership positions
  • Enable institutions to create the knowledge and the skills for developing a diverse workforce for the nation.
  • Enhance coordination and collaboration among Latino/Hispanic organizations, higher education institutions, and other education, government and business sectors.

“No one has ever become poor by giving.”

Anne Frank

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